At Brooks we believe in building better young people through a culture of excellence and high expectations. Our most important work is to have every single student leave us at the end of year 10 as a better person, a better learner, and as a more well-adjusted young person equipped with the skills necessary to be successful. Successful not just in work and studies - but successful in life; as a friend, a partner, a parent and as a contributing member of our society. Our work at Brooks is to help shape and mould our students, side by side with our families – so they can have a better future. A future brimming with hope, happiness and fulfillment.
As a staff we collectively believe that our students can achieve great things – that they can and will be the best versions of themselves. It is this most aspirational belief that has Brooks currently recognised as one of the most improved schools in Tasmania over the past five years. This is a phenomenal achievement and is a direct result of our strategic planning and the high expectations we have of our students. We expect our students to uphold our school values of courage, respect, connection, responsibility and growth and to engage in their learning. We expect our students to be in full school uniform, follow our agreed known school rules and be inclusive in their outlook.
As a staff we believe that each and every student is significant, each and every student has worth and each and every student is a valued member of our school. All our students can achieve as long as they show up and have a go. It is my passion to support our young people to do their best at school and this looks different for every student. For some it is providing high quality academic programs, for others counselling as they negotiate their way through adolescence, or it is providing flexible programs on a part time timetable, or participating in our Hive/Hub programs. There is a place for every child at Brooks.
We also offer a diverse range of options subjects including Creative Writing, Advanced Maths and STEM, Duke of Edinburgh, Fitness and Conditioning, Sports Science, Drama, Dance, Music, Visual Arts, MDT, Food Technology and Child Studies. We also offer participation in the NHSSA sporting roster for both MYC and SYC students. 2024 saw Brooks with all four football teams in the finals and premiership winners for 9/10 Boys Footy and 9/10 AFLW Footy. Brooks offers many excursions at no cost to our families and in 2024 we reintroduced school camps. These experiences have provided wonderful opportunities for building connections with peers and teachers beyond the classroom walls.
One thing that remains consistently important is the need for families and schools to work collaboratively together. Parents and schools share a responsibility to educate our young people. I thank all our community members for their commitment, support and efforts towards providing positive futures for our youth.
It is my privilege to lead a dedicated Brooks’ staff who are passionate about making a difference in the lives of our young people. Our staff go above and beyond every day because they believe in our students, and they want to make a difference. This is what makes Brooks High School, a school that enjoys outstanding facilities, in extensive park like grounds with views over the beautiful Tamar Valley, the exceptional place that it is today.
Louise Rose